Finding the process


Here begins the journey back to self, back to expression, back to paint. I studied fine art in college; painting was my medium of choice. After college, I became a photographer, and the only thing I painted after that was walls…and not in a cool mural-painter kind of way.

After spending nearly four years living on the road, exploring the great landscapes of the American west, I am beyond inspired by the expansive supply of melding hues, layers, and moments I found there. I'm setting intentions to create a body of work reminiscent of my travels, a shrine to the mountains and valleys that I hold in my heart.

The artistic process doesn't just happen; it requires effort and energy and a fair amount of failed attempts, but I'm ready for it! I've never been one to shy away from a journey!

I started, at the recommendations of some artists friends, with a few still life paintings to get the muscle memory back. Putting brush to paper in a classical way helps to initiate the process. My first painting was an hour long study and while it’s not my greatest piece, it is the piece that brought me back to the easel. The next day I painted for three or four more hours. And that…that is the beginning.

At the recommendation of some artist friends, I started with a few still life paintings to tap into my muscle memory; the motion of putting brush to paper in a classical way helps to initiate the process. My first painting was an hour-long study, and while it's not my most remarkable piece, it is the piece that brought me back to the easel. The next day I painted for three or four more hours. And that…that is the beginning.


Honor the Landscape


Be astonished